Welcome to Peru Grade Three!

Teachers: Welcome to the Schoogle Experience! If you'd like to know more about how to navigate the maps, click on the home button at the top. Otherwise, let's get to it!
Well hi there grade 3's! I'm your friendly tour guide for this trip! According to your teacher, your first stop is Lima, Peru! Let's get on the plane and head there now. It's a 16 hour flight so I hope you all brought snacks.

We have just landed in the capital of Peru: Lima. It's a big city with beautiful colours. Use your mouse controls to take a tour. Click right on the map to start moving.
Well here we are! Our first tourist stop is Lake Titicaca. Use your mouse to click and drag the image. You should be able to look around!
I wonder what lives in that water!
Okay students! Let's keep moving. We've got a lot of ground to cover.
This beautiful area is called Macha Picchu.
We will start our tour on this side of the mountain. I've plopped you down on top so you can see everything. Use your controls to walk around. Click in the direction you want to go. Happy Exploring!
Wow! Isn't Macha Picchu beautiful?
We are now walking in the ancient ruins. Keep touring!
This area is still in Macha Picchu. I've placed you lower down now. Go ahead and walk through the halls of ancient times.