Welcome Grade 1
Today we are taking a trip through our own city, Medicine Hat!
Does anyone recognize this school ?
To look around, use the cursor to click and drag the images. Each image used on this page is able to be manipulated and moved around in. Enjoy the tour!
Has anyone seen this sight in Medicine Hat?
This is the very famous Teepee - it's quite tall, in fact, it's the tallest one in the whole world!
We are now standing outside Medicine Hat's City Hall.
Have you ever seen this building?
You may know this building. We are now looking at the Medicine Hat Regional Hospital. People come here if they are sick or if they have appointments to see doctors. Have you ever visited the hospital?
We are now looking at the Medicine Hat Police Station. We are grateful to have the hardworking police officers work day and night to keep our city safe.
This place is where Canada Day celebrations are held, where camp fires are had and where you can run and play in the coulees. This place is called Kin Coulee.
Don't forget that you can walk along the road and explore!
This building is called Medalta Potteries. It's a very old building where pottery is made and has been made for many years. There is a museum inside this building now.
Do you know this place? At the Medicine Hat Library you can lend out books, CD's and video games. They also have lots of programs just for you!
If you turn around, you'll see another building called the Esplanade. Can you find it?
This is the Medicine Hat Court House. It is one of the older buildings in Medicine Hat and is very beautiful! How many windows do you see?
Thanks for touring with me! I hope you enjoyed your time around town.