Great Lakes
St. Lawrence
FACT FILE: The Great Lakes and St.Lawrence Lowlands is the smallest land region, yet it contains about one half of Canada's population. It is a rich industrial area where about 70% of Canada's manufactured goods are made.
Lake Superior
We are now planted in the middle of Lake Superior. In fact, we are standing on an island! This lake is the third largest freshwater lake in the world.
Lake Michigan
We are now standing on the shores of Lake Michigan. This lake is the third largest of the Great Lakes. Its name is derived from the Ojibwa word mishigami, meaning large lake.
Seems like a good place to have a picnic!
Lake Huron
We are now standing on the shores of Lake Huron.
Lake Huron is connected to Lake Michigan by the Straits of Mackinac. Because of this, technically these two lakes are one lake. What you do think?
Lake Erie
We are now standing on the shores of Lake Erie. Now, Lake Erie is the shallowest of all the Great Lakes which also makes it the warmest. Unfortunately it is also the most polluted. Many companies have dumped toxins into the water thinking that it would just go away - maybe they should have spoken to a grade 5 student first. What would you have said?
Lake Ontario
We are now standing on the shores of Lake Ontario, which is the smallest of the Great Lakes. This lake connects to the Atlantic Ocean via the St. Lawrence River.
This image shows the stress levels to the environment due to pollution. The more pollution in the water, the more stress there is on an ecosystem. The higher polluted areas show up in red here.

Niagara Falls
Between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie, the Niagara Falls are found.
The Niagara Falls are made up of 3 waterfalls: the American Falls, the Bridal Veil Falls and the Horseshoe Falls. The Horseshoe Falls are the largest and the Bridal Veil Falls the smallest. The 3 waterfalls combine to produce the highest flow rate of any waterfall on earth. Niagara Falls sit between Ontario and New York.
Use your cursor to look around!
St. Lawrence River
St. Lawrence River
Finally, for this tour of the Great Lakes/ St. Lawrence Lowland region to be complete we must view the St. Lawrence River! This river is massive in size. In fact, it's one of the largest in the world!
St. Lawrence River
Here is the St. Lawrence River from an aerial view. An aerial view just means that we are looking at it from the sky down to the ground. From this view, you can zoom in and out to look at the landscape. When the first settlers arrived, they were given land by the governor. What do you notice about the shape and size of the farm land?
Use your mouse to zoom in and out by clicking on the + and -
You can also click and drag to move around.
St. Lawrence River
This is a road very close to the St. Lawrence River. These are the farmland areas that have been farmed and harvested for many years. Notice how lush the landscape is. What other words could you use to describe this land?