Welcome to the
Welcome to the Interior Plains! This area of Canada is most known to you, because Medicine Hat is located within this region.
This road is in the middle of Saskatchewan. As you can see, the land is flat. You can see for many kilometres at a time. Many people call it the "prairie ocean". Why do you think it might be called that?
Despite the flat landscape, there are some fun land features that pop up here and there in this landscape. One of the more well known areas is Writing-on-Stone Provincial Park. This park is famous for its land features called, "hoodoos". Click here to find out how hoodoos are formed.

This view is from Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump. This is a historical site within the Interior Planes region. The First Nation's people used this site to hunt buffalo. They would begin to chase the buffalo and create a stampede off the edge of the cliff. The buffalo were then used to feed families and provide hides for the winter. The First Nation's people really knew how to use the land.